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Vowchurch & Turnastone Community Fruit Juicing Project




Bring your apples to a juicing session at the hall where you juice and process everyone’s apples or pears that day.

The hall owns a set of commercial quality juicing equipment which takes about a dozen people to operate. It is free to use at the Village Hall for any inhabitant of Vowchurch and Turnastone plus nearby parishes if there is capacity. Although not mandatory we hope you will make a small donation to the project plus a few bottles of your juice to sell so we can replenish things like bottles and expendibles.

​A pressing day is very sociable and fun but its not suitable for children as the equipment is powerful and potentially dangerous. It normally takes a whole morning and we can produce maybe 200 bottles of pasteurised juice if we get a production line going. Sorry but it’s not a family-fun type apple day.


​Different ways to join in:

  1. Bring your own apples and process them at a pressing day

  2. Help gather donated apples from local orchards

  3. Lend a hand at a pressing day

  4. Donate apples from your orchard

​To book or enquire, get in touch with me, Graeme Deas:   01981 550601 / 07726500391

If you just want a juicing service or to rent manual juicing kit try Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s Orchard Origins project 














Your apples

All dessert apples are good for juicing though very sweet apples can give disappointing juice. Later ripening dessert apples with a tangy edge produce outstanding juice. Cooking apples may be poor to eat but often juice well with Bramley being very notable. Cider apples are not suitable for general juicing but if you want to make cider we can certainly arrange this.


Ripeness and timing is very important

The apples must be ripe:

  • dark brown pips 

  • will come away from the tree very easily

  • have firm juicy flesh and good flavour with an apple fragrance

Unripe apples: 

  • have pale pips and require a sharp tug to pick them 

  • rather tasteless, tart and starchy

Overripe apples: 

  • dry and mushy 

  • may have brown flesh 

Early ripening fruit such as Discovery must be juiced immediately, in September. Most apples are ready in October and such fruit will become juicier if kept for a week or two once picked. Later fruit ripens at the end of October and November and these have the most complex flavours. They often also have good keeping quality so don’t have to be juiced immediately. All apples will get sweeter through the season. Taste your apples before picking them!


How to pick your apples

Apples for juicing are normally knocked off the tree and gathered off the ground into sacks. Bruising is not an issue with juicing. First clear the area beneath the canopy of all existing windfalls, sheep/animal droppings and strim long vegetation.  Either climb into the tree and vigorously shake the crown with your body weight or get a long pole and jiggle individual boughs up and down. Ripe apples will fall to the ground where you can just scoop them into sacks. We have many empty 20kg feed bags to borrow if you have none of your own. Store your apples somewhere cool and dry away from vermin until you come to juice. 



















Orchard Collection
Small groups will visit identified trees in the parish to collect apples for community juice and bring them back to the hall for juicing. 


Cider Making
If you are juicing cider apples please make sure everyone in the gang is aware so it doesn’t mix with the fresh juice.  We have a number of brewing vessels and ancillary cider equipment to loan out and experienced cider makers to offer guidance so get in touch if you want to try this.


Juicing Day

Message me once your fruit looks about ready to pick and we can see who else is available to set up a Press Gang. Contact details below.



















All the apples people bring on that day will be mixed up and pressed together. It is possible to juice your apples separately but you must alert the other people in the group and there may be logistical issues. The press takes 40kg at a time and cannot be run half full. Depending on juice content of the apples, each pressing might yield 20-30 bottles and takes 10-15 minutes for a full cycle. 


From apple to finished juice there are 5 processes: washing, scratting, pressing, bottling, pasteurising

On the day there will be individual guidance sheets on each of these; please read them. Each process takes several people. Ideally everyone ends the day knowing all of the jobs so they can help newcomers next time.


1. Washing: First job is selecting and blending the apple mix to avoid very sweet or very sharp batches. Then working with 4 to 6 around the trough, you are cleaning and removing the odd bad apple to provide nice clean apples for juicing. The apples are used whole and do not have to be destalked, dried, peeled, cored or chopped. 


2. Scratting: The scratter is like a giant food processor and reduces the apples to pulp in moments. The scratter is switched on then clean apples are poured in the top and the pulp collected at the bottom. Ascorbic acid can be mixed in to prevent discolouration if required. It will take about 3 people to operate and can shred 40kg of fruit in a couple of minutes. 


3. Pressing: The press is operated by water. The perforated steel vessel is filled with 40L of shredded apples. One person controls the water pressure while another monitors juice flow and receptacle. When juice stops flowing the dry pulp is removed and reset for another run. 


4. Bottling: The juice batches are combined in a large vessel or kept separate if required (note: you must chaperone your own juice). Automatic filler funnels and jugs are used to fill the bottles. 


5. Pasteurising: The bottles receive a lid screwed on loosely and then are put into a water bath pasteuriser, which holds 13 bottles. The temperature is brought to 72C then the timer set to 20 minutes. We should have 5 of these giving a throughput of about 120 bottles per hour. Pasteurised juice should last 3 years but the flavour starts to degrade in about a year.



















The hall owns glass bottles you can borrow for your apple juice. They must be washed and dried and returned to the hall after use. They cost the project about £1 each and will need to be replaced as they get broken lost etc. Or bring your own bottles. They should be sealable if you want to pasteurise. 


How to Wash Your Bottles

Fill with water to soak overnight. Use detergent and a bottle brush to clear the sediment in the neck and elsewhere. Rinse with hot water. Invert and allow to dry. Remove plastic neck ring. Clean lid and rinse in hot water. Re-cap and screw on loosely. They will sit in the hall cellar all year and be re-used without further treatment so please make them as clean as you can get them. ​


Frozen juice

If you want to keep your juice absolutely untreated which is quickest and easiest, bring plastic milk containers and then freeze them at home. If you just leave them out at room temperature they will start to ferment in a few days though.

Crates: We have a number of green plastic crates which are for bottle handling in the hall. Please do not take home with you.   


Other tasks
As well as set up, wash up and put away, many people will be required to ferry bottles, buckets of juice and apples around the operations. And of course making cups of tea! 


Get in touch:
To book a place or if you just have a question or just need clarification please get in touch. 

Graeme Deas:

01981 550601 / 07726500391

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